Every story of recovery from a Traumatic Brian Injury is different. Being able to hear the examples one may find a similarity in their lives or even offer the support because they have experienced the same thing. A traumatic Brian Injury (TBI), is also known as an intracranial injuries, commonly caused by concussions related to vehicle accidents, blunt force trauma and violence. TBI ‘s are classified by there cases of severity – mild, moderate, or severe. Based on the diagnoses of trauma, determines the type of rehabilitation necessary to heal. By visiting the website, one may go through the guide of recovery, offered with assisting patients and the families of those affected with Traumatic Brain Injuries. The behaviors of survivors during the process of rehabilitation for patients, usually confront comorbid emotional and behavioral conditions. The guides of go through different strategies and modifications for the primary care throughout recovery to effectively accommodate survivors of TBI. The Adventure podcast shows many testimonies of survivors of TBI and their positive stance of life today. Throughout their lives there seems to be an influence of positivity to support other survivors of Traumatic Brain Injuries. NPR-shares many examples of the common forms of Traumatic Brain Injuries from the concussions from mild to severe. Throughout the lives of individuals who suffer from brain trauma, there may be limitations set upon the lives for the survivors of TBI's. The pod cast of Northeast Centers for Special care provides audio information and education on Brain injury. The process of rehabilitation is tough from the mild to severe cases for some individuals of Traumatic Brain Injuries. The process may take some time for some individuals. The North Eastern pod cast discusses disabilities involving ones senses from morbid to respitory rehabilitation depending on the trauma.